Saturday, August 29, 2009

secrets of ramadhan

Today is 29 august 2009, means this is the 7th day of ramadhan. maybe some of us dont feel anything, and just fasting and breaking without taking any opportunity from this 'bulan barakah'. i myself also having the same problem in term of doing ibadah because most of us feel sleepy and lazy in the whole day. and i not refuse that there are people who have success in doing ibadah, cangratulate to them. how come they have powerful vigour to do that? complicated question for us but for them, it is simple, the answer is they know the secret of ramadhan. from hadis, Rasullullah said " if people know about the advantanges of ramadhan, for sure, they want ramadhan continue for whole year"

let me share little secrets of ramadhan in order to gain little strenght to improve our ibadah and feel what other people feel about "kemanisan beribadah di bulan ramadhan".

1. each 'pahala' of 'amalan kebajikan' will be multiple by 1000 times.
2. each 'pahala' of 'amalan sunat' will be same with pahala of 'amalan fardhu'.
3. Ramadhan is divided into three parts especially for 'orang puasa'. first, there is a lot of 'rahmat Allah', second, there is full of 'keampunan dari Allah', third, freedom from hell.

hope the dribblet of informations give us great impact to make paradigm shift. wassalam


shafiq said...

Salam.. hehe..
Komen jangan tak komen..

berdasarkan apa yang ko tulis..

DinZ said...

syafq update le slalu konye blog...
nti must ko dpat mrkah tinggi nye kli ni..huhu..