have you heard about "islam sekular" or "islam liberal"? when the first time i heard the words, i didnt mind anything because it actually common in malaysia, but when i go through the actual meaning of secularism and liberalism, then i know that is nonsense to hold islamic principle with secularism or liberalism or both at the same time. this must not happen in million years because they definitely different between each other. unfortunately, people just accept simply the combination without thinking and accept the formula to be implimented in national jurisprudence and then now become civil court and syaria court. let me share the surface about both, secularism and liberalism.
Secularism is the term of“secular” is from Latin word “saeculum” which conveys dual meaning of time and location. harvey cox said "secularization as the deliverance of man away from religious ideas and beliefs, understandings, forms or systems, and from metaphysical control over his reason and his language". Max Webber, a German sociologist, provides three essential components of secularization. First, "Disenchantment of Nature", It implies separation of God from the nature so that man will no longer regard nature as a divine entity. second, "Desacralization of Politics", Desacralizing means giving the secular full autonomy without reference to any ultimate foundation (like holy book). third, "Deconsecration of Values", this implies that all cultural creations and values systems which include religion and worldviews having ultimate significance as temporary.
ok then, liberalism is a belief, which is founded on humanism, in the integrity and sacredness of free individual. It emphasizes on the freedom of the individual to express their faith, thought and ideas. The ultimate claim of liberalism is the religious freedom of man who has the choice to reject or accept it. There are some history about how and liberalism was founded. Before Europe reached the new era called renaissance, they were entirely dominated by the church. The only universal European institution was the church, and even there a fragmentation of authority was the rule; all power within the church hierarchy was in the hands of local bishops. The church saw itself as the spiritual community of Christian believers and they don't believe anything about science theory. in 1610, galileo galilei, one of scientists at that time, published telescopic observations of moons of jupiter. Using this observation, he denied the theory of sun-centered released by church. from his argument, Galileo was placed under house
arrest and his movements restricted by the Pope untillsuffering fever and heart palpitations, he died. From the case, all scientists gather and founded new believe to counter Church institution. that is contradictive in history of Islam, science and teaching of Islam was coming together and there are no contradidictive between science and religious. science was studied in the mosque and imam is science teacher. This is one of beautiful things in Islam that never exist in other religions.
but it is different when we talk about liberal in islam (i emphasize liberal, not liberalism, don't create new name of islam, islam is islam). liberal in islam means, the flexibility in islam that can accept modification. it is about the way to perform ibadah, according to certain cultures or lifestyles, but not over the limit, pertaining to quran and hadith.
what im going to say is, please, don't hold any statement or ideology if you don't know about them. It will ruin your thinking style and also your and other people life. Because todays, there are organisation like to use other people in order to achieve their secret goal by making speculation and "memutarbelitkan isu" and make people confuse. for advice, make some research and you will find the truth.
like recent case about "Kartika to be caned", the issues is not really about kartika,for sure she is guilty, as muslim we must stay away from beer(or alcohol drink) even we cannot touched its bottle for any purpose, but it about syaria court, how syaria court can release the punishment with many defiance from other sides, especially from people do not understand about canning punishment in islam and from civil law that state "women cannot be subjected caning as a punishment for any offence.” Section 289 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) expressly provides that no female shall be punishable with whipping. they think that the canning punishment is cruel like canning punishment that release by civil law but in reality,but it is more about simpathy and giving awareness. to know further infomation about the canning punishment, click here. actually there are many issues are contradictive between civil and syaria law. for me, syaria law is the best law to be only for jurisprudence in malaysia.
i want stress here, think and get more information before choose. i feel i want to finish my post here and every single word from this post is only my opinion, if this post make other feel annoy, forgive me,i have no point to point to anyone. if i was wrong, please help me to find the right path. wassalam
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Friday, August 28, 2009
Malaysia and Malaysianism
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kebetulan ada presentation psl secular law vs. islamic law
mintak izin amek sket point yg tertera di atas :)
wsalam, silekan.. xd copyright pon kat blog ney..huhu
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