World now facing the new economic global crisis... America as a big country..they cant bear to this problem...about trillion dollar have been lost from their pasaran saham..and the crisis that happen to wall street now melarat sehingga main street(rakyat jalanan)... and the problem also occur in malaysia... me as rakyat malaysia and student also get tempias from the crisis...i was surprise when the price of satu pinggan nasik and ayam and sayur suddenly go up ..and i asked the makcik at the cafe.."makcik, nape harge nasi makin mahal, kn harge minyak dh turun?".."mmg la harge minyak dh turun tapi harge barng mahal lagik..xtrun2..".. why it happen?.. i think that is not about the peniage but the point is how government manages and tackles this problem?..malaysia have own economy..even malaysia is one of the countries that depent on america, it doent matter because malaysia have petroleum, sawit and everything that can menjana economy..but it dont happen...government todays is not really bijak and transparent.. everyone can see and hear what they have done.. and what happen to this country today.. they really dont think about rakyat, and what is important to them is making money for themself...they use money to shut up people and use media to putar belit fakta..we can see, the people that have jawatan in government sector,especially jawatan2 menteri..mejority of them live in luxorious they get a lot of money?...from work?..oh no,i dont think so..they think that they can tipu rakyat like they do before?..fool of themself.. the experience and penindasan make rakyat think wisely and twicely...ok, then we see the 'masalah kenaikan minyak' that happen two month ago..when the price of harga minyak dunia increased about USD130 setong..and everyone know about that..government unwisely increased the price of minyak about 2.70 per liter from 2.20 per liter..what the hell was that?.. it suppose to be maintained at 2.2o per liter because malaysia have own minyak(petroleum) and the incease of harga minyak sepatutnya menguntungkan malaysia because malaysia is one of negara pengeluar minyak..and from the keuntungan, malaysia bule menampung kenaikan harga minyak dunia..then where was the money?.. oh, that you heard about a million ringgt malaysia missing from petronas that claimed by Dr M (star newspaper)... that is enough to tell about the integrity and tranparency of government todays... at that time, Dr Anuar Ibrahim came out and said.."saya dh kaji..harga minyak akan turun tidak lame lagi"..but government didnt take seriously about the statement..the increase of harga minyak also affect the increase of harga barang in malaysia secara can rakyat face this problem? about rakyat miskin?..think about it....after just a month..harga minyak dunia turun..and the Anuar Ibrahim's statement become true..what a good judgement.. government have take wrong step..and the effect is the harge barang is still tinggi because pengeluar and peniaga refuse to mnurunkn harga barang mereka...if government didnt increase the harga minyak before..the problem will not happen..what a big mistake...All above are the evidents that we cant count on government(the party that conduct government) again...UMNO still have time and they suppose to change the way they think and act..once they get caught, there is no way to turn back..."sampai bilakah masalah akan terus menghantui rakyat..."
...Oh, my country......
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Thursday, November 13, 2008
oh, my country...
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Baju Raya Baru - Setiap kali raya, setiap kali itulah dilema. Dilema sama ada perlu beli baju raya baru atau tidak untuk tahun ini. Maksud saya, baju hari raya yang pertama...12 years ago
Biodata Ainul - Hye ! Saye Nak Cerita Mengenai diri Saye Name :- Ainul Mardhiyyah NickName :- Ainul Umur :- 11 Tahun Darjah :- 5 Okey Itu Je Bhaii13 years ago
Why Cheat? - When people around are splitting up from their significant others, I tend to wonder why it happened and where did it went wrong. Bukan nak sibuk sibuk at...13 years ago
dont expect much lah kan.
ni kan msia.
msia kan boleh.
2 la ptot kene ad reformasi skng..haha..
"[o]..dlu kini dan selamanya..."
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